Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Run-Away Dog

There is nothing more heart wrenching then coming home to find that your dog is gone. You check the dog house, you call his name, you whistle, you can't find him anywhere. Did someone steal your beautiful dog or did he wander off and can't find his way home? Years ago, we had a dog that liked to chase thunder. We would be gone to work and a storm would blow in, and by the time we would get home, Gizmo would be missing-in-action. After looking everywhere and going to all of the neighbors within a 5 mile radius, we would phone the radio station and offer a reward for his safe return. After this happened a few times, our hearts couldn't take it anymore and we had to put up a large kennel, that we attached his dog house to. Our poor Gizmo, then had to stay confined while we went to work. I wish I knew then, what I know now.

Now days you can keep your dog and your heart protected with Animals GPS. Animals GPS offers handy little gadgets to keep you informed of your dog's where-abouts at all times, with special alerts when there is a problem. This is the easiest way that I have found to have the peace of mind, knowing that your loved one is at home in his dog house.

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